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What inspires us?

Aren’t we all longing for being really seen and following our heart? But how is this possible, while coping with the daily demands and associated identities and masks? All these different roles that we have to fulfill as mother, father, daughter, colleague, friend, boss, wife, stay-at-home dad, therapist, employer, service provider ... Several times a day we shift from one identity to the next. So often that at some point you don't even know who you are anymore.

But there is this one moment that reveals everything. The moment when the masks fall and the most beautiful thing appears. The being. Vulnerable, authentic, and pure. Perfect, present, and true.

Sharing such a moment with people is indescribable and invaluable. Because this is the present. In this moment, in the now, everything is possible. Right now it is possible to feel, perceive, and experience what was hidden before. Now the view of the infinite possibilities is finally unblocked.